New Members Welcome
We’re always looking for new members to join our community.
To promote contemporary cast iron in Canada through events and education and to create venues for the availability of casting iron.
Find out about upcoming events and workshops and how to participate.
Want to learn more about making sand moulds and learning about our iron pour events? Take a workshop and learn from us!
Join our community.
Land Acknowledgement (City of Hamilton):
The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
We recognize that our members come from various traditional territories and that we have the responsibility to learn from Indigenous people and care for the land we are creating art on.